Friday 21 March 2008

The Grail

I know now… what the Grail is. It is something that has been dropped upon our planet, dropped within the earthly atmosphere that surround Glastonbury, dropped from Somewhere Else…

I don’t know… of what substance this thing is made; or whether it was flung into our material dimension purposely, or by accident, or by…it is evidently possessed of radiations that can affect both our souls and …Everyone who believes in it increases its power. That, at least, is clear – wherever it came from!…

Sometimes in dreams… some little inanimate thing becomes terrible to us… becomes tremendous and terrible…producing ghastly shiverings and cold sweats…Little inanimate things…can become great symbols… Certain material objects can become charged with supernatural power…They can get filled with a kind of electricity that’s more than magnetism!… This is especially the case when a number of people, century after century has believed…

…Thought is a real thing -…it is a live thing. It creates; it destroys; it begets; it projects its living offspring. Like certain forms of physical pain thought can take organic shapes. They can live and grow and generate, independently of the person in whose being they originated…

For a thousand years the Grail has been attracting thought to itself, because of the magnetism of Christ’s Blood. The Grail is now an organic nucleus of creation and destruction. Christ’s Blood cries aloud from it by day and by night… It is the desire of the generations mingling like water with the Blood of Christ, and caught in a fragment of Substance that is beyond Matter! It is a little nucleus of Eternity, dropped somehow from the outer space upon one particular spot!…

A Glastonbury Romance

John Cowper Powys - page 456

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